《外交》(Foreign Affairs)是美国外交政策研究领域最权威的学术杂志之一。近日,它刊载了一篇题为《破坏亲历记:特朗普是如何破坏美国外交政策的》的文章,指出美国总统唐纳德·特朗普继承了一个不完美但有价值的外交体系,他在破坏这个原有系统的同时,却没有拿出一个替代方案。其结果是,美国和整个世界都变得更加糟糕了。
文章写道,在特朗普执政的三年半里,“建设”并不是美国外交政策的核心目标。相反,特朗普及他身边不断更换的官员们对“破坏”更有兴趣。如果特朗普政府要写回忆录,《破坏亲历记》(Present at the Disruption)将是一个合适的书名。(时任美国总统哈里·杜鲁门的国务卿撰写的回忆录叫《创世亲历记》, 英文名为Present at the Creation。)
The U.S. journal Foreign Affairs recently published an article titled "Present at the Disruption: How Trump Unmade U.S. Foreign Policy," pointing out that Donald Trump had inherited an imperfect but valuable system and tried to repeal it with without providing a substitute. As a result, the U.S. and the world are "worse off." The author analyzed how Trump disrupted the country’s foreign policy and suggested that if he was to be reelected, there would be no turning back.
1. #扭曲的视角#
The author summarized that Trump has a "distorted lens" on foreign policy as he views it as "an expensive distraction." In Trump’s eyes, the U.S. is doing too much for other countries at the expense of U.S. interests, as evidenced in his inaugural speech:
"For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. We’ve defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own… From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first."
“Numerous other dubious assumptions run through Trump’s worldview,” said the author, criticizing that Trump portrayed trade in an absolutely negative way and was not able to see the positive effects trade brings to the U.S.
2. #脱离有效的轨道#
Under the subtitle of "Departing from what mostly worked," the article compared Trump with the first four post-Cold War presidents in terms of their attitudes and aims in foreign policy, concluding that "Trump broke with all of them" and explained how Trump's emphasis as well as his narrow understanding on economic interests set him apart from his predecessors and led him to show almost no interest in advocating human rights, promoting democracy and alleviating humanitarian hardships. Trump’s habitual withdrawl from multilateral commitments is also deemed as one of the most pronounced differences between him and previous presidents.
3. #再也回不去了#
In the end, the author suggested that there is still chance that the U. S. may resume part of its foreign policy. But it is impossible to return to the best starting point of things. Although four years may not be a long time in the sweep of history, it is plenty long enough for things to change irreversibly. If Trump is re-elected, then inspired by the election victory he may continue to pursue his foreign policy, and "Present at the Disruption" may become a reality.
美国前国家安全顾问约翰·博尔顿曾经在接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN) 采访时表示,特朗普上任后破坏了许多美国外交政策,并指出如果特朗普连任,这些外交政策将难以修补。